About Us

Welcome to The Pendulum Of Life, your number one source of inspiration and motivation. This website will take you in the depths of self-realization and self-empowerment to have a meaningful and dignified LIFE.

There is an art of association, which makes it easier for us to understand difficult concepts in and of life. Hence here I am trying to associate life with a pendulum. Hence the name for this website was chosen as ‘The Pendulum Of Life.’

There are two extremes of a Pendulum. Where one extreme end is your success, happiness, fortune and highs the other is your failure, sadness, pain and lows. The larger the pull of one end of the pendulum the farther it will swing to the other. It is all about risking and getting yourself out of your comfort zone. But all that we are trying to do is to settling somewhere in the middle like the pendulum does after moving to and fro for a certain duration. We all are seeking stability in life but to attain that stability we have to push our limits. The harder you try the farther you will reach. 

Life is the most beautiful thing that has happened to us. Rest everything follows. Never take this life and the precious things in life for granted. Fall in love with yourself if you want to attain success in life. And to fall in love with yourself you have to know your soul. We don’t just have to exist we have to live.

Live by cherishing your existence, live by celebrating your uniqueness, live by giving back to the society what it has given to you. Be of some use to this world before you leave it. There is a special purpose behind your creation, otherwise God wouldn’t have wasted creating ‘YOU.’

Read about all the aspects of life in this blog. Read everyday if you want to fall in love with your Life. Get Inspired and inspire others.

I want to leave a small thought for you to think upon: All in life we are seeking ‘a life.’

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact.



Garima Dixit



The Pendulum Of Life


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